

When you first login you'll be at the home page. This is where you get a glance of everything assigned to you through processes or tasks along with a calendar to view all the city's meetings.

App Screenshot

Assigned To Me

See any meetings or agenda items that are currently assigned to your or your team. Simply click on them to begin your work.

My Tasks

Any tasks that have been assigned to you show up here along with due date and priority level information. Click on a task to begin your work.

Meetings This Week

This list shows all meetings no matter what board that are scheduled for that week. You can click on the meeting to then view all the information associated with it. To see a full calendar view of the meetings click on the "View All" at the right hand side of the screen.

Joining Meetings

If there's a meeting scheduled for that day you are a member of you will get the additional option to join the meeting. Joining the meeting takes you into the live meeting aspect where (once started by the meeting manager) you handle your motions, voting, etc.

See "Running Meetings" for more detailed information.
